Renovate Skerries

by garethblance in Out Skerries, Scotland, United Kingdom

Renovate Skerries
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

Business In building renovation work , I m on an Island called Skerries everyone loves this place needs lots of work needs a tidy up .

by garethblance in Out Skerries, Scotland, United Kingdom

Business In the renovation of buildings as well as part time work In other types of renovation work , Whole place needs a good tidy up really there Is really quite a lot of work required all around this project , All hands required to the fund pledging to get the Island ship shape again , This Island really Is a great benefit to all people It needs a kind helping hand from the people It serves , To get the Island back to Its original state bringing back something to everyone , I think that It could really do with a very large cash Injection larger that the target set , Although I am hopefull we can at least meet the target set .


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