Project Britmums Live

by emma.fisher in Cambridge

Project Britmums Live
We did it
On 11th June 2015 we successfully raised £65 with 6 supporters in 21 days

We need your help to get us to Britmums Live. The event will give us a chance to showcase our blog, gain knowledge and sign with big brands

by emma.fisher in Cambridge

This project hasn't recevied any pledges yet.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£1 or more

£1 Reward

Thank you for helping Handbags and Snot Rags get to Britmums Live!

£2 or more

£2 Reward

Thank you for your support!

£5 or more

£5 Reward

Send us your badges, links logos and we will put you on our website. Also happy to take some memorabilia to Britmums Live for you if you like. Thank you for believing in my project!

£25 or more

£25 Reward

Sponsor a blog. Tell us about your product or service and send us a link and we will do a blog for you. Thank you for believing in my project!

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